Here you go, Click, she entered. 70% more. Damn it. What is it called anyway? Lysol from a stand that doesn't know the name. Why mushroom, is that why I bought some crappy records? And, yes, 5 zlotys for three DVDs, an opportunity that cannot be missed. Even if they were empty, I'm still ahead.
A game with no name?! "Friend, I do not know the name. But this is a new quality, your excavator will fall, you will see. He's changing your life forever, man." That's exactly what he said. He was weird in general. He appeared suddenly, pushed the discs almost to my strength, and I still paid for them. Like 5 zlotys ... Oh, the third DVD. And you, LG whore, read it fast.
I've never seen this bald man on the stock exchange before. The strange, gruff voice had blue eyes and... No, they're not blue. I'm thinking hazel. Or green. I looked into the eyes of a bald man... I raised my head because he was about two meters tall... I felt like a child... Damn. Get on the stock exchange, let his mother grow feathers, let him be paralyzed by a bandit thief in the morning! 3% more Koncoweczka. New quality, the excavator will fall... And if he doesn't fall, I'm going to find a rag and kick him in that long stocking ass.
Okay, I'm kind of worried, I'm overly nervous. After all, I need peace, concentration, computer games, it's intellectual entertainment in the ass. But how to be calm? After all, it's this game, these three albums, and the only fucking percentage. I'll see what's new, I wonder how this damn game will change my life. Well! One percent! Move me, I won't wait! Damn program, I want to see you!!!
How are you?
- Fuck! Is the disc broken in the drive? What a piece of shit! Damn bald giant! The crook!
And one percent! Fucking, perverted, evil trash. Do you think this is funny?! I want to change my fucking life, I want to learn a new quality, and you're fucking making fools of yourself and breaking down? Oh, you cheater! You're a wimp...
* * *
She put her ear to the door.
"Did you break something?" Are you shouting? Are you okay?
There was a soft hum of the fan.
"Son, are you okay?" She slowly pressed the door handle. - Jesus Christ...
she saw something that she would not forget for the rest of her life. The wallpaper was torn to shreds, all the books and newspapers on the ground, as well as the monitor, from which a wisp of smoke rose. The keyboard, mouse, and speakers shattered into millions of plastic parts, bedside tables lay on the bed, and between them, on the opposite wall, hung a man in disheveled clothes with bloodied hands and missing eyes, where a DVD with a screwdriver hung.